Siemens Opcenter APS 18
• New Siemens Opcenter APS
product branding
• Additional APIs for interacting with
advanced highlight and filtering
• Extended Siemens Opcenter
Scheduling Anywhere upload to
include facility information
• Compatible with Siemens Opcenter
Execution Discrete 3.0 and 3.1
• API for interacting with advanced
highlighting and filtering results
• Facility definition with Siemens
Opcenter Scheduling upload
• Supports integrations to Siemens
Opcenter Execution Discrete 3.1
and Valor® Production Plan 14.1
Siemens Opcenter APS (formerly known
as Preactor APS) software is a family of
production planning and scheduling
products that improve the synchronization of your manufacturing processes,
giving you greater visibility and control
and enabling you to increase resource
utilization and on-time delivery while
reducing inventory levels and waste.
Siemens Opcenter APS is a highly customizable capacity planning and scheduling package.
Preactor APS becomes Siemens Opcenter APS
Preactor APS becomes Siemens
Opcenter APS with release 18, with
aligned icons and desktop.
Additional APIs for advanced
highlight and filtering tools
Additional application programming
interfaces (APIs) have been added to
the already extensive API library of
Siemens Opcenter APS, allowing extensions to be implemented with ease.
Siemens Opcenter Scheduling
Anywhere facility upload support
Siemens Opcenter Scheduling
Anywhere upload now supports the
ability to define a facility name, allowing users to separate facility uploads for
multiple sites.
Integration with Siemens Opcenter
Execution Discrete 3.0 and 3.1
Available only for Siemens Opcenter
Scheduling (Siemens Opcenter SC)
Ultimate, Siemens Opcenter SC integrates with Siemens Opcenter
Execution Discrete with an out-of-thebox integration between the manufacturing execution system (MES) and
advanced planning and scheduling.
Integration with Valor Production
Plan 14.0 and 14.1
Valor Production Plan software creates
an easy-to-use yet comprehensive
model that allows you to simulate your
production process including all surface
mount technology (SMT) and manual
stations. You can set optimization
parameters such as due date, production time and changeover that enable
you to make intelligent choices
between given plans that fit your exact
needs to meet deadlines and avoid
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